3 ways to use video in your Facebook Ads to drive sales
Are you using Facebook video ads yet?
Want to know how video ads can build your list and generate more customers?
In this article, you’ll learn three ways you can use Facebook video ads to grow your business online.
But first….
Video content on Facebook is a powerful tool for capturing and holding your audience’s attention compared to photo or link posts.
In fact, shoppers that view videos are 1.81X more likely to purchase than non-video viewers (Adobe).
And in all my Facebook Ads tests with both cold and warm audiences my videos have ALWAYS outperformed my photos by 78-88%.
But standing out on Facebook is about as difficult as standing out outside the gates of Buckingham Palace…unless you’re The Queen of course.
So how do you become the Queen of using Video in Facebook Ads and use video to promote your business?
Ever heard ‘the money is in the list’.
Well, it means you need to be driving people into your email list regularly by signing up for a "freebie" or lead magnet.
And video ads are the fastest way to grow your email list, and then you can sell to them once they're in there!
All it takes is simple and short 10-15 second videos that offer something your cold audience wants.
These get to the point quickly, so the viewer has everything they need to make a decision in a short space of time.
Here’s one I use for my free ebook 10 Steps to filming pro videos with you phone (and this video took me 5 minutes to make btw).
With this ad I was able to get people into my list for just 0.75c per sign up.
By growing my list I then had a bigger pool of people to put my offers in front of. Happy days!
This is next level marketing here!
Create high-value video content on your Facebook page then promote the video by turning it into an Ad to get views and engagement (which costs you literally 0.01 or 0.02 cents per view).
When these videos are optimised for high engagement they can be the most powerful of all ads to start warming up cold audiences, as well as keeping your warm audience super engaged, just before a launch of your product or service.
The best bit about this type of ad, is you can then retarget the people who watched the video/s when you you’re launching (or even in direct sales ads).
"Hey where did you go?”
The Marketing Rule of 7 says that someone needs to “hear” your message at least 7 times before they’ll take action to buy your product or service.
So in these types of video ads you can jump in front of your audience and remind them of the offer and what they’d be missing out on.
And the best bit is these videos are super quick to make because you're targeting people that know about you. A simple piece to camera that speaks directly to your audiences wants and needs works perfect!
Without a doubt video ads are the most effective type of marketing! Which means there are so many more ways you can use video ads throughout your business to generate more customers and increase your sales, in addition to these three.
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