Eliminate your blocks around creating & using video .... FOR GOOD!
with the...
Freedom to Succeed
with Video
on-demand workshop
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If you're a Solopreneur or Coach who has been hesitant to start using video, or has tried and are not seeing the results you want, then you might have been thinking one (or all) of the following...

"I'm not creative enough"
"I hate appearing on camera"
"I’m no good at public speaking"
"Video doesn’t work for me"
"I'm not techie enough"
"I'm not good at messaging & planning"
"who am I to teach something on video"
....which ultimately leaves you feeling like video is just a time suck that doesn't lead to sales 🛑!
Maybe you feel like you've been doing all the 'right things' and not seeing a difference.
Maybe you've tried thinking positively and nothing has changed.
Maybe you feel like you are your own worst enemy and getting in the way of your own success.
You're not alone, and the good news is there's a powerful & straight-forward process to overcome these sticking points.
Are you ready to create rapid, lasting, and authentic change....for good.
At the end of this workshop you will have ELIMINATED your biggest inner block around video and set yourself up for success by:
>> Step 1: uncover what you truly want to achieve when it comes to using video in your business.
>> Step 2: understand how your beliefs around video can either enhance OR limit your success in business and life.
>> Step 3: unpack the thoughts & beliefs that have been preventing your success.
>> Step 4: implement lasting change so you can achieve your desired outcome.
AND, using a 6-step repeatable process (so you can use over and over again, in ANY area of your business and life).
"I needed to start doing Facebook Lives but I WAS TERRIFIED!
After doing the process, I couldn’t believe how different I felt. I was doing Lives regularly and even found myself enjoying them!"
"I needed to start doing Facebook Lives but I WAS TERRIFIED!
I had all of these unhelpful thoughts like – “what if nobody listens to me”, “what if I make a mistake part way through or even worse, my mind goes blank, and I don’t know what to say…” and more swirling around.
The process Frankie teaches transformed my unhelpful thinking. After doing the process, I couldn’t believe how different I felt. I was doing Lives regularly and even found myself enjoying them!
There were no worries about how it might go wrong, and I came across confidently and at ease.
Since then, I’ve successfully used the process on other things.
If you want to get better outcomes in any area of your business, I highly recommend this process."
- Michelle, Leadership Coach & Trainer
This workshop will be priced at $197USD
BUT because you're on my email list you're joining the Reels to Results program you can get it for
for $97USD
This on-demand training is just 45mins long, but the transformation you'll get will last a lifetime.
Workbook included.
Get Access for $97 today!
So you have some questions...
Q. Why do this workshop?
Q. How is this workshop delivered?
Q. I know nothing about beliefs or mindset, do I need to?
Q. I understand about beliefs will I actually benefit from this training?
Q. Is there a payment plan?
Q. If I have questions, how can I contact you?
Still thinking about it?
What if I told you, the change you want has to come from inside?
I know, it sounds a bit "hippy dippy" but stay with me and I'll explain.
A person's beliefs affect everything they do!
This can be empowering or it can be debilitating. At least a part of you already knows that the consequences can be far-reaching.
Beliefs can be the difference between failure and success, happiness and unhappiness, between being stuck or thriving in your endeavours. They can nourish or destroy relationships, they can interfere with or accelerate progress, they can be the difference between simply existing and living your dreams!
Effective belief change matters!
Success literature is full of references of the role that belief plays in personal and professional achievement and fulfilment - if you want to achieve what you want in life, you have to believe!
BUT few of these references give even a hint of ‘how to’ get beliefs in place that support such successful outcomes.

The truth is that what most people experience out there in the world is far from consistent empowered belief-sets that best serve them on their personal and professional life journeys.
And worse, most people don’t have any idea where to start to positively change or align their beliefs with what they want to achieve.
Why would you? You weren’t trained how to do so at school. You weren’t trained how to do so by your parents. You weren’t prepared for it in your career development. And even in the personal development and success literature there is a noticeable gap in this area.
Just saying “You’ve got to believe” is simply not enough for people. If believing is so important then people will need to know how!
You need to know how to get their beliefs back on track when you set yourself a challenging goal, find yourself in unfamiliar territory or you start to experience some doubt and anxiety about you ambitions or self-worth.
The process I will take you through ‘The Belief Gates Personal Empowerment System’ has been developed through years of working with real clients, through modelling and reinforcing what has worked best, tweaking and honing the steps for ease of explanation and application - which has led to increasingly powerful results along the way.
This method has already been taught to thousands of people to enhance lives and unlock personal performance. I want to support this positive ‘ripple effect’ by helping people use this carefully-crafted and widely tested empowerment system.
I can't wait for you to open yourself up to your own success
(because it's inside, waiting for you).
Over the years of running my own business and coaching clients in video marketing and online course creation, I realised that sometimes taking action on all the 'right things' or tasks you should be doing doesn't always achieve your goals. Or sometimes you get to a certain point and then get stuck.
So, I wanted to overcome my own blocks and pass that on by serving my clients in a bigger way.
To help them see that their success is INEVITABLE.
So I decided to become a Certified Belief Change Practitioner. I chose the ‘Belief Gates Personal Empowerment System’ as it has been developed through years of working with real clients, through modelling and reinforcing what has worked best, tweaking and honing the steps for ease of explanation and application - which has led to increasingly powerful results along the way.
This method has already been taught to thousands of people to enhance lives and unlock personal performance. I want to support this positive ‘ripple effect’ by using this carefully-crafted and widely tested empowerment system with my clients to help them achieve their dreams!
Get access for ($97USD)