Ease & Impact: Thriving as a Solopreneur 

Episode #2

Breaking Free from Solopreneur Paralysis:

5 Strategies to Beat Fear and Overwhelm

14 January 2025


In this episode of the Ease and Impact podcast, host Frankie J tackles the common challenges of procrastination, overwhelm, and fear that many solopreneurs face. She shares her personal journey from being "busy but not productive" to developing effective strategies for genuine business growth. She also offers a downloadable comprehensive guide that goes deeper into what the podcast discusses.

Key Points Discussed:

  • The surprising role of discipline in business success and why it's not what most people think
  • How small, consistent actions can lead to significant transformation

  • Personal examples including Frankie's sobriety journey and experience with the Shakti mat

5 Core Strategies Covered:

  1. Mastering Mindful Minutes: A practical approach to incorporating mindfulness without traditional meditation requirements

  2. The 90-Day Cycle Method: Breaking down ambitious goals into manageable quarterly projects

  3. Creating Flexible Work Structure: How structure paradoxically leads to more freedom in business

  4. Transforming Limiting Beliefs: Converting mental roadblocks into opportunities for growth

  5. The Emergency Toolkit: Practical strategies for handling overwhelming moments

Resources Mentioned:

Notable Quote:

"The fact that you're feeling overwhelmed isn't a sign that you're doing something wrong. It's often a sign that you're ready for the next step in your growth."


Next Episode: Drops Tuesday at 10am New Zealand time


Music Attribution:
Heaven by Luke Bergs & AgusAlvarez | https://www.lukebergsmusic.com
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
Creative Commons / Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)

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